Monday, August 23, 2010

change is good, right?

well people, i've got some big news for you. i've been major out of touch because of my current "change." 2 fridays ago, our first workday back to school, my world got rocked. this is how it all played out.....
we had been worried about our kindergarten numbers for quite a while. it's a numbers game every year with kinder and we all know it. when i started at wwe we had 6 sections of k. 2 years later, we lost a dear friend to another campus because our numbers were low. i had been hired approximately one month before her hire date so she was the "last hire" and was moved. the next year, we got another teacher because our numbers were high again. so 6 of us there were. as this school year came around, we thought our last hire on the campus would be moved. i was slated to be the team leader of kindergarten so when the principal came to me to talk about the numbers, i wasn't shocked at all. i thought she was telling me the other girl was leaving. about halfway through the conversation i realized that basically she was telling me i was leaving. how could this be you ask? she has more years in our school DISTRICT than i do. regardless of the fact that i had been at wedgewood for 5 years and she had been there for 1, i was moving. shock. to. say. the. least.
here is my poor, sad classroom all packed up. thank you lord for my team or else i could never have done this. i was so shocked basically all i could do was stand there and look around. crazy i tell you, crazy.

so, i've been moved to parr elementary and will be teaching 1st grade. so far so good. today was the first day of school and i can honestly say that it is the first time in my entire CAREER that there were no kids crying on the first day of school. can you believe that??? it makes me laugh to say that but it is true. i have some really sweet kids it seems. :)

and so my days as a kinder teacher are finished for now but my life as a 1st grade teacher have only just begun. i made some great friends at wwe and had a wonderful family there for so many years. it was such a blessing to be able to know such great people that have set the standard for my professional career. look out parr! here i am!